Review and Translation of Lord Evelyn Baring Cromer’s Abbas II
Kütahya Dumlupınar University Rectorate, Kütahya/TÜRKİYE
Keywords: Egypt, England, Evelyn Baring Cromer, Lord Cromer, Abbas II, Abbas Hilmi Pasha.
This study is about a work written by Evelyn Baring Cromer, or Lord Cromer as he was famously known, who was appointed as the British consul general and British representative in Egypt in 1883 and continued in this position until 1907. Cromer’s book “Abbas II”, written about the last Khedive of Egypt, Abbas Hilmi Pasha, and published in 1915, attracted much attention at the time. This article is about the review and translation of this work. This work was published approximately eight years after Lord Cromer retired from his post in Egypt.
In the book, Lord Cromer aimed to describe in detail the life of Abbas Hilmi Pasha and the political and social conditions of Egypt during his time in power. It covers a wide range of topics, from Abbas’ relations with his advisors and officials to his efforts to modernize Egypt’s economy and education system.
In the book, the Khedive’s relations with his British advisors and authorities, and his attempts to modernize the Egyptian economy and education system are evaluated. A wide range of topics are covered, including a quarter-century in Egypt and efforts to navigate the country’s complex politics. The book provides valuable information about the problems Egypt faced during the British occupation.