ISSN: 0041-4247
e-ISSN: 2791-9714

Fatih Yeşil

Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Department of History, Ankara/TÜRKİYE

Keywords: Safiyesultanzâde İshâk Bey, Napoléonic Wars, Yusuf Ziya Paşa, Ottoman Diplomacy, Selim III.


This study focuses on the treatise written by Safiyesultanzâde İshâk Bey in the beginning of Yusuf Ziya Paşa’s second term of Grand Vizierate (1809). İshâk Bey, one of the Palace servants, started to travel Europe, after his conflict with Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Paşa. One of the important characters who played role in the correspondance between Louis XVI and Prince Selim (III), İshâk Bey turned Istanbul after the accession of Selim III. However, in 1790, he was sent to exile where he stayed until 1793. Joining to the faction of Grand Admiral Küçük Hüseyin Paşa, İshâk Bey played an important role in negotiations during the Napoléonic invasion of Egypt. After the death of his protector, Küçük Hüseyin Paşa, İshâk Bey conducted the negotiations when the British squadron attacked to İstanbul. The treatise, the main subject of this study, was written on the wish of Yusuf Ziya Paşa. The treatise mainly examines the diplomatic developments during the wars of the third and fourth coalitions, aiming to depict the international situation when Yusuf Ziya Paşa was away from Istanbul. In the first part of the article, the physical features of the mecmua and the content of the text are discussed. The identification of the author, providing important information on the European history and interstate relations, the analysis of his knowledge and expertise and his relationship with the addressee are also examined in this part. The second part of the article includes the transcription and the facsimile print of the text.

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